Punta del Diablo
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Punta del Diablo
Friday, 29 January 2010
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Sao Paulo
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Paraty and the road to Sao Paolo
Friday, 22 January 2010
Day 3 – Road to Paraty
Having had a faily good sleep I was roused by the sound of Stgeve clattering around at around 4.45am getting set to leave and making himself breakfast and after this I couldnt get back to sleep so I got up, showered and prepared myself to leave. I was not looking forward to this moment as my bag weighed a ridiculous 23kg and I was going to be lugging it around all the way to Paraty with sunburnt shoulders but then it’s my own fault for packing so many clothes.
Saying goodbye to Rio was quite emotional as I had grown quite attached to the place over the last 3 days and it had certainly had a lasting effect on me but being on the bus for a few moments just made me think wow as some of the sights out of the window were simply exquisite. I am in love with this country, it’s not just Rio but the etire country I love the lush tropical green forests and beautiful colored orchids and flowers, I love the little beach towns snuggly set amonst the mountains and I love the big skies and the sun not to mention the beautiful women. I even love the vultures that just hover high up in the sky! Anyway, I think I’ve made my point, the place is great, I can’t stop taking photos of everything and anything that is worth a picture and round here it feels like everything is worth a picture! It’s when you get on the coach and drive a little in Brasil that you reliase that this is just a tiny fraction of this immense country and the sheer grandiosity of it is incomprehensible at times but I suppose it is the 3rd biggest country in the world and in my opinion from what ive seen so far, one of the most beautiful. One just has to mention the Amazon basin and automatically lush green forests spring to mind. Where we are, proba bly thousands of miles from the Amazon and it is still beautifl lush green forests all over the mountains.
So onto Paraty, I just read the lonely planet description of the place and it sounds to me like paradise, here’s the description:’Set amid jutting pennisulars and secluded beaches, with a backdrop of steep, jungled mountains plunging into an island studded bay, Paraty is one of Brasil’s most exquisite and well preserved historical gems’
Sounds good to me, lets just hope it lives up to everything I’m hoping it is. I’m pretty certain that it will J , can’t wait to get there although I’m enjoying the journey immesnely!
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
First night and day 1 in Rio
Arriving in Rio was so exciting although when you arrive at night you just can't grasp the full beauty of the place as it is simply lights and you can't see the full picture so I couldn't wait for the next day to actually see it for real in daylight and also get some well needed sun on my face having been in 6 inches of snow for the past couple of weeks back in the UK! I wasn't prepared for the 30 degree c heat at midnight though!! On arrival at the hostel Jucati I was pleasantly surprised that the guys in reception were expecting me and that they spoke pretty good English. I couldn't wait to see my friends with whom I worked for 2 years again having not seen them for quite a few months since they had been travelling down through US and Mexico before flying down to Rio. I got to the door and found the rather scary levitating head looking at me through a hole. So it began, the adventure had started so we decided to head to Ipanema for catch up drinks.
Flight to and arriving in Rio
Flying is always easier when you have someone amiable sitting next to you that you can chat to. Luckily I