Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Flight to and arriving in Rio

Flying is always easier when you have someone amiable sitting next to you that you can chat to. Luckily I
ad a nice Italian guy callled Luca next to me who spent much of the journey helping me to learn the basics in Portuguese, he even had me repeat sentances after him so I could work on my accent and then get me to guess what the sentance meant which I can quite proudly say having never learnt Portuguese in my life I got all corrrect although I am pretty good in Spanish so much of it was just guessing on words that sounded similar. Since Luca was pretty much fluent in Portuguese I jumped at the chance when he suggested we shared a taxi to our hostels as I would've had no clue what I was asking or for that matter whether I was being ripped off so thanks to Luca I got safely to my hostel and at a good price after much haggling. Nice one Luca, thanks for the help :)

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